
Thursday, May 17, 2012

How: Natural Flower in the Shape of Girl:-

This flower is called Narilatha in India, Liyathabara Mala in Sri Lanka, and Nareepol in Thailand. It is basically found in hilly slopes of these countries.
It is the named as Narilatha because it is in the shape of girl and in India, Nari means Girl, Latha means flower. By combing these both Nari + Latha we get, Narilatha which means flower in the shape of girl.

The most important thing about this amazing flower is that it grows only at the interval of 2 decades. It is said that God made it to test the concentration of sages and Hermits when they were in Yoga.
The Narilatha flowers are in women shape and are considered one of the most rarest and wonderful flowers of the world.  

Is this HOAX?

No it isn't a Hoax or some kind of camera trick. Many people think that this is some kind of photo editing or Photoshop trick but this flower is for real and it grows every 20 years, and scientist have classified it to the family of Orchidaceae and comes under Genara of Habenaria. As this plant grows after a long interval of time and grows in high hilly mountain region many people can’t visit themselves to see it- this is the main region people don’t believe this fact. As there is famous quote “Man don’t Believe if they didn’t see it”.

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